Design x Ecology
We are not looking towards an industrial production that lies on the scales and the volume effect anymore. But rather on the production that is flexible, localise and close to the demand. We are interested in building collaborative projects, setting up interaction between different expertise areas, disciplines

- intro Caroline
The idea that things are made locally also makes it more personal, which increases the emotional value of a product. It's nice that the design world is so fluid these days and this opens up a lot of extra possibilities.
In graphic design, a lot of things are nowadays produced digitally and by machine. This is a bit of a reversal of the appreciation for crafts in the design world.
The acts as a critical agent between crafts industry objects and users question the role that design has to play in such a precedent

They like to call themselves link makers matchmaker's with an empathic approach using design as a tool for world in transition.

- Intro Caroline
Beautiful expression of what design can be.
It feels like a natural reaction to improve the incomplete use of resources and at the same time it also bears witness or criticises the complexity and some levels of absurdity and the way we consume products. And of course, the role we as designers play in that in that relationship.

- Studio Plastique

This project really started when we realised that the power of electricity are at our fingertips is really what powers society today, with what identifies our culture in many western part of the world with more and more also worldwide and powers industry of enormous scale at our fingertips. (…) So that realisation that the taming electricity is what defines is today made us eager to understand the construction and design of the electric world.

- Studio Plastique

Electricity is seen as a basic necessity by us. We hardly even notice it any more because we take it for granted. But without it, we would be in a lot of trouble both as an individual and as a designer. That's why I think this is a very interesting study!
But the good part of being a designer and not being, I would say maybe an artist in this context is that we do have an impact because we sit as a practise in between the structural material. the production of beautiful object that people can buy.

- Studio Plastique